'basa kita'

(Title means Our Language / 'Bahasa kitani') 'Bahasa Tutong' is the language for the Tutong community in Brunei. My parents were born in Tutong, but I am not as fluent as one should be. So Ive decided that whenever i get back home for summer, I have to start collecting bits and pieces from the dad, grandma, and old folks at local kopitiam; and share them here. This is dedicated for my family back home, I miss you all

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Location: Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand

Fulltime Dentist Part-time traveller Life's Good, Alhamdulillah~

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


organised by the PERTAMA. sponsored by skodeng-skodeng. (epic and co.)

i only came in the morning, around 10.30? i overslept. so i kinda missed the opening. *toink* oh well, came with the sister and cousins. sister came 2nd in the colouring contest. it was awesome to see familiar faces around, but i doubt if they know me. they had this anak-siapa-bah-ni look...huhu. aku anak tanjong maya, alaaahai~~

colouring contest was among the activities for the day

'memasukkan butan ke-dalam tayar'


'perlumbaan jetski'

also, perlumbaan merakit, memotong kayu dengan kapak, mengayam ketupat. those were all aku sempat for that morning. had to go somewhere in the afternoon.

keep it up PERTAMA ppl, Salam.


ps: I went to PERTAMA primary school kali ah, buleyhh. LOL =P

Friday, June 20, 2008

tian or nian? tilu or nilu?

the long awaited post is here. it took me.. *look back at the previous post's date*.. SIX months (!!?!) to make this post. mesti post paling hangat ni. jokes! hahha. no i kid you, this will be a normal post; nothing fancy i tell you. i was really busy with work in the first half of the year. i didnt even have time to call back home, so my tutong language kinda deteriorated (i kid again! huhu). watever it was, here i am. home, for a wee while tho. managed to get off work for 5 weeks, so i decided to escape the deadly winter, and fly home (=


INFO section (macam d TV tah pulang...huhu)
Just like the Malay language, Tutong language is being used differently in different parts of this district. Main body of the words will still be the same, except the way we pronounce and the way words are being used, can be different. orang keriam lain bunyinya, orang telisai lain, and my family (hence this blog) is using the 'Kampong Tanjong Maya' version.
I hope this will clarify some confusion in the air regarding differences between the tone i have here, and the one you hear at home. (confusion kalangan orang muda mcm aku. barutah tau ada lain2 cakap tutong ani..huhu)


so yes, im inspired to make a post tonight. but first, lets give a hand to kenangan beach for his daily effort (ive been following ur blog, ure doing a great job. keep it up man).
this is a follow-up from his/her (kenangan beach) post; 'petilu'. and
before i continue, i would like to comment that petilu is actually made up of two different words. Puru + tilu. which means suruh+liatkan. since it would be tongue-twisting to use the whole two words, we use 'petilu' in short.

Anyways, let's look at the topic of this post. i have been wondering for quite a while now, what's the difference between tian and tilu. or between tian and nian; tilu and nilu. i sorta know when people use them but im not THAT sure until i asked the dad recently.

so here's the trick...

tian (tee-un)
- liat(kan). (to)look.
nian (knee-un) - meliat. looking.

tian lamin jami ina ah, jami kan temuad haji tuh
liatkan rumah kami atu ah, kami kan naik haji ni

nian lamin baru ina dai jimu tendih?
meliat rumah baru atu tah kamu tadi?

*more examples later*

tilu (tea-loo)
- tunjuk(kan). (to)show.
nilu (knee-loo) - menunjuk. showing.

tilu dumbo lamin ini-ju, indo jayi manja
tunjukkan mana rumah nini-mu, inda ku tau

anak ina nilu lamin ini-nih ge bunu-puti ina
anak atu menunjuk rumah nini-nya arah orang-putih atu

make sense??

ok, more examples

tian VS tilu

tian puta mayin ina, ado ucing miyan duoh
liatkan ikan masin atu, ado kucing miyan karang

yapa-nih puru-tilu puta mayin ina ge yama-nih
bapa-nya suruh-tunjukkan ikan masin atu arah mama-nya
** 'puru-tilu' = petilu, in short.


cuba jiyu tian liyu ina, di'ek-nih
cuba kau liat sungai atu, damit-nya

cuba puru-tilu ge orang inda, dumbo liyu di'ek ina
cuba suruh-tunjukkan arah orang atu, dimana sungai (yang)damit atu


tian metuka ina, sukati-nih gala mupus simpang
liat kerita atu, sukahati-nya saja keluar simpang


tilu metuka baru -ju itu ge yama-ju eh
tunjuk(kan) kerita baru-mu ani arah mama-mu <-- (nya si bapa lah ni kiranya..huhu)


ok i hope those examples made it clear on when to use tian and tilu. or when to switch between nian and nilu.

goodnight people, Salam.


PS: See you guys at the 'Festival Lieu DX' this sunday the 22nd. More details here. It'll be a good opportunity to learn the tutong culture...
and maybe meet me up personally? ..huhu.